London's nightlife: is the party over? The latest from dpa features

London, a city once known for its vibrant party scene, is facing an unexpected downturn.

Once bustling districts like Soho and Covent Garden are now eerily quiet, while the British media regularly cites horrified tourists who were thrown out of pubs before midnight, unable to find another open bar.

The Daily Mail has predicted that London's party scene is "facing annihilation."

In one of the newest gripping narratives from us at the dpa trends & features desk, we hear about the factors behind this decline and discover the potential solutions that could revive the city's famous nocturnal charm.

Each feature comes illustrated with high-quality photos ready for publication online or in print.

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dpa trends & features

TOP FEATURE: London on the rocks: Is the city's party scene 'facing annihilation?'

These days, it's hard to find a pub in London that's still open after 10 pm. Thanks to the pandemic and the sharp rise in the cost of living, the city's once vibrant nightlife is in crisis. Can London's reputation "as a true 24-hour city" be restored?

Words: 865 Images: 3

We mingled with 1,000 gifted people. Life ain't always easy, they say

An unusual date: More than 1,000 brainiacs gather in Germany, where high IQs are the norm. They enjoy brain food, engaging conversations and lectures. But it's not all fun and games — it turns out that being gifted can be quite a challenge too.

Words: 977 Images: 3

Should we ditch the names of Hitler beetles, Mussolini butterflies?

As streets are renamed, monuments removed, and language scrutinized, should we also consider renaming species like the Hitler Beetle or the Mussolini Butterfly? Taxonomists are divided.

Words: 785 Images: 3

German churchgoers use plastic when the collection plate comes around

Scrounging for coins for the collection plate has been as integral to church as saying "Amen." However, in a German parish, congregants can now simply tap their cards to make donations. What has prompted the need for innovation?

Words: 697 Images: 3


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