Trump will 'most likely' be indicted in Arizona election subversion case: legal expert

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Ex-president Donald Trump has already been indicted four times in criminal courts, and he's on the track for number five, and even possibly number six, according to a legal expert.

Trump, who has already been indicted in Georgia, New York, Washington, D.C., and Florida, has pleaded not guilty in all his cases. Yet a jury will soon decide if such a plea stands up in the New York prosecution where he stands accused of a criminal hush money cover-up scheme.

In what could be another local indictment for Trump, one attorney says Arizona has plans.

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"Donald Trump could be charged in two further criminal cases, according to a legal expert who told Newsweek it is 'more than likely' he will also be indicted in the ongoing Arizona election interference case," the outlet reported Monday. "The claim was made by Daniel Gielchinsky, an attorney and founder of Florida-based company DGIM Law, who said a fifth Trump indictment in Arizona would 'most likely' be the result of another defendant agreeing to testify against him as part of a plea deal."

The report continues:

"In August 2023, 18 Trump supporters, including Rudy Giuliani and ex-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, were indicted on charges including fraud, forgery and conspiracy, related to their alleged involvement in a plot to overturn the 2020 presidential election result in the state of Arizona. Prosecutors claim the group planned to submit fake certificates of ascertainment fraudulently claiming Trump had won the state. Trump himself wasn't charged," according to the report. "Speaking to Newsweek, Gielchinsky claimed that Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes, a Democrat, could end up indicting Trump, potentially after a plea deal involving one or more of the defendants."

"The prosecutor is not finished. It looks to me like she's a very thoughtful lawyer, very thorough, and she may have believed for whatever reason that she didn't have enough information yet to indict President Trump but I don't think we've seen the end of it," Gielchinsky said. "I think a lot of defendants on the current indictment, all she needs is one to say the right things in a cooperation agreement or a plea deal, and I think she'll end up indicting the president too."

Gielchinsky "also said Trump may face a sixth criminal indictment as part of an ongoing case into alleged 2020 election interference in Michigan," according to the report.

"Asked whether Trump could end up being indicted in the Michigan case, Gielchinsky answered: 'Could be, could be. I think the Arizona one is set up that way almost, to plan for indicting him, the Michigan one—it's a possibility,'" the article states.

Read the full piece here.

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