Doctor begs people to stop taking their phones to the bathroom but it doesn't go down well

The toilet is the last place you want to spend a lot of time in, but people in today’s world are doing it nevertheless thanks to smartphones.

Keeping the mind occupied while in the toilet may not be easy for all, but staring at the phone is one habit you must break as a doctor warns against it.

Copyright ©2018 Christoph Hetzmannseder

Doctor warns against using your phone in the toilet

In one of her TikTok videos, Dr. Poonam Desai lists reasons you should avoid taking your phone to the toilet, and one of them is extremely gross.

She says using the phone while doing your business results in prolonged sitting on the toilet, which isn’t good for your health.

She refrains from the unhealthy habit as a doctor because sitting and straining for a long time on the toilet can lead to several health concerns such as rectal prolapse, anal fissures, and even hemorrhoids.

If you’re wondering how long you should ideally take to poop, the Cleveland Clinic notes not more than five minutes.

A health specialist has stated that you should avoid bringing anything to the toilet, including a newspaper, book, or a puzzle.

Any form of distraction can disrupt your bowel movement and the time must be used for “one and only reason” – to poop.

A gross reason to avoid it

Dr. Poonam Desai claims you can have fecal bacteria on your phone while using it in the toilet. An earlier research by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine found fecal matter, which is poop particles, on one out of six smartphones.

The fecal matter can contain a range of bacteria including E. coli and Enterococcus faecalis, contributing to health issues such as diarrhea, fever, and nausea.

So, think twice next time you want your phone to accompany you to the toilet. If you still do, make sure to sanitize and clean it after use.

Dr. Poonam Desai is an Anti-aging, Longevity Expert Physician. Precision and Lifestyle Medicine Physician, according to her LinkedIn bio.

She is the founder of Longevity Place, a longevity clinic practicing precision medicine and longevity medicine. Dr. Poonam holds a degree from the University of California and boasts about 10 years of experience.