Pharmacies across Hertfordshire and West Essex to offer free blood pressure checks

More than 200 pharmacies across Hertfordshire and West Essex will provide free blood pressure checks.

The monitoring will be available to anyone over 40 who has not had a reading in the past six months.

The testing was discussed by executives of the Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB) at a board meeting on Friday, May 24, when they considered the goals of their Medium Term Plan.

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A key objective is a focus on blood pressure awareness for people over 40, with a publicity campaign launched this month.

In her report to members, Dr Jane Halpin, Herts and West Essex ICB’s chief executive said: “Around one in four adults in the UK have high blood pressure, but only half of those are aware of it.

“High blood pressure (hypertension) doesn’t usually have any obvious symptoms, making it an invisible threat to many.

“If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease and vascular dementia. Regular blood pressure checks are essential to reduce people’s risks of developing these conditions.

“The ‘Invincible Feeling, Invisible Danger’ campaign aims to remind people that just because they may feel fit and well, doesn’t mean that their blood pressure is at a healthy level.

“Over the coming weeks, the campaign about the hidden dangers of high blood pressure will feature on posters across our area as well as in local magazines and newsletters, on town centre display screens, buses and bus shelters and online.

“We are hoping that the message to ‘take a sec to check’ will reach as many people as possible aged 40 and over. People who are Black or South Asian are more likely to be at risk from high blood pressure, so if this applies to you or your family members, please do come forward for a quick, free, and painless check.

“More than 200 pharmacies across Hertfordshire and west Essex are signed up to provide free blood pressure checks for anyone over 40 who hasn’t had their blood pressure taken in the past six months.”

For participating pharmacies, see