'Looked liked models': Trump fixated on slain couple's looks in call to grieving father

US missionaries Davy and Natalie Lloyd who were killed in Haiti on May 23, 2024, pose with Haitian children in an undated photo (AFP)

Donald Trump commented on the good looks of a young missionary couple shot and killed by Haitian gunmen while speaking by phone with the slain woman's father.

The former president called Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker to offer condolences for the loss of his 21-year-old daughter Natalie Lloyd and 23-year-old son-in-law Davy Lloyd, and the Republican legislator shared some details of their conversation on social media, reported Newsweek.

"He was just calling to give condolences to us and to the family for Davy & Natalie," Baker posted on X. "He really does care about people. He said 'I couldn't believe how beautiful these two young people were, they looked like models.'"

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Baker shared additional details in a longer post on Facebook, and again highlighted the former president's focus on the young couple's physical appearance.

"He spoke so kind and down to earth. He mentioned how sorry he was that this evil happened to our kids and how beautiful their devotion was to their calling and to the people of Haiti," Baker posted on Facebook. "He wanted to know if we knew who did this because he wants the criminals brought to justice. He also mentioned how he couldn't believe how beautiful they were that they 'looked like models.'"

The couple was leaving a youth group activity at a church in northern Port-au-Prince when gang members in three trucks ambushed them. Lloyd called his family and said the gunmen hit him on the head with the barrel of a gun, stole their belongings and tied him up.

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Another group of gunmen arrived as Lloyd was being untied, and he fled with his wife and Jude Montis, the local director of a mission group, Missions in Haiti Inc. to a nearby house, but gang members shot up the house, killing the couple and their mission director.

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