Video of Hostage Amazon Worker Alexander Trupanov Released by Palestinian Islamic Jihad

A newly released video shows an Israeli Amazon worker who has been held hostage in Gaza.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) released a video of Alexander Sasha Trupanov on Tuesday. He addresses the Israeli public and "all of the protesters" in the video.

"In the next few days, you will hear the truth of what happened to me, as well as the other prisoners in Gaza," Trupanov says, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The statement ended with him saying "wait patiently."

The video was not dated and it was unclear when it was recorded.

Troufanov was one of the hundreds of people abducted by Hamas during the October 7 terror attacks.

The Hostages & Missing Families Forum said, "The proof of life from Alexander (Sasha) Trpfanov is additional evidence that the Israeli government must give a significant mandate to the negotiating team, which will be able to lead to a deal for the return of all the hostages - the living to rehabilitation and the murdered to burial."

Troufanov, 28, is a computer engineer with the microelectronics firm Annapurna Labs, which is owned by Amazon, the New York Post reported.