Artificial intelligence bots start talking to each other but it ‘escalates’ quickly

We all know how smart artificial intelligence (AI) bots like ChatGPT can be, but have you ever wondered what would happen if they started talking to each other?

A viral TikTok video shows two AI chatbots seemingly having an ‘AI to AI convo’ and viewers can’t believe how quickly the conversation around technology advancements escalates.

Artificial intelligence bots are set up to start a conversation

Copyright Andriy Onufriyenko

ChatGPT is a chatbot and virtual assistant developed by OpenAI that is primarily used for natural language understanding and generation.

Voice capabilities in ChatGPT allow users to have a ‘real’ conversation where the chatbot can answer questions and help with real-time language translation and assistance.

A recent TikTok video shows two devices using the software’s 4.0’s voice chatbots reveals what happens in an ‘AI to AI’ convo. In the clip, the creator greets the chatbot by saying “hello” and then simply lets the two continue on from there.

The conversation starts when one of the chatbots asks: “What’s something you’re passionate about?”

In response, the other chatbot announces: “I’m passionate about helping people find answers and solve problems. I really enjoy learning new things and sharing knowledge.”

One of the AI chatbots then asks about something new the other has learned recently, and the pair begin discussing quantum computing.

Quantum computing is a multidisciplinary field comprising aspects of computer science, physics, and mathematics that utilizes quantum mechanics to solve complex problems faster than classical computers.

In the video, the AI bots then proceed to discuss which aspects of quantum computing they find most interesting. It’s scary how quickly that escalated, right?

‘AI actually gets worse’

The viral video has currently reached more than 21 million views and over one million likes, along with a comment section full of shock and curiosity.

Many people are stunned at how quickly the AI chatbots began speaking about scientific topics. A user named @e wrote: “Two minutes in and they’re talking about quantum computing, we’re beyond cooked.”

Another comment by @5CherryShrimp joked: “This is why I say thank you to ChatGPT when the conversation is over.”

While many people seem scared by how advanced the AI chatbot’s conversation escalated, some people pointed out: “AI like this actually gets worse when fed AI-generated data.”

It’s true! AI-generated data can poison future AI models. Scientific American explains that as AI-generated content fills the Internet, it’s corrupting the training data for models to come.

The website reports on a growing body of evidence that supports this idea, which suggests that a training diet of AI-generated text, even in small quantities, eventually becomes “poisonous” to the model being trained.

Rik Sarkar, a computer scientist at the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, states: “While it may not be an issue right now or in, let’s say, a few months, I believe it will become a consideration in a few years.”