Trump's niece shares 'dangerous' childhood trait he's been unable to shake

Donald Trump (Photo: Shutterstock)

Former President Donald Trump has had a massive flaw ever since he was a kid, that has been one of his greatest weaknesses, said his niece Mary Trump in a recent TikTok video.

The younger Trump, a psychologist by trade, has been a frequent critic of her uncle, and has often sought to unpack his mental abnormalities that she says are responsible for his behavior in life and politics.

"Even as a little kid, he was incapable of having a sense of humor about himself, which is really not great. Kids need to have that kind of resilience that he never had," she said in the video. "But worse, at seven decades later, he still does not have the ability to laugh at himself, which I think is a dangerous thing."

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Mary Trump referenced a former video, in which she regaled a story where her father, one of Trump's brothers, splattered him over the head with a bowl of mashed potatoes to get him to stop bothering a third brother.

"Every single time, even six decades after the event itself occurred, Donald reacted exactly the same way. While everybody was laughing about it, he crossed his arms. And he pouted and he sulked until somebody changed the subject."

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This comes after Mary Trump issued a dire warning on her Substack earlier this month about the consequences if her uncle is re-elected into office.

"We are so turned around that many of us blame the man who has actually tried to fix the horrific damage his predecessor inflicted on all of us while giving a pass to the man who landed us here," she wrote.

"And not only is Donald getting a pass; tens of millions of [Americans] want to give him almost unlimited power which he will wield in ways that will destroy us."

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