Steven Gerrard makes 'on the table' claim that could see Rangers transfer return

Rangers will need to offload a lot of players this summer and Philippe Clement might be considering a changing of the guard.

The usual suspects at the centre of previous collapses bore the brunt of criticism from fans and the manager is fully aware of the task in hand.

What would help him out would be if a former Rangers manager took a couple of under fire players off Philippe Clement’s hands.

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

Steven Gerrard’s transfer claim could do Rangers a favour

There have been question marks over the futures of James Tavernier and Connor Goldson for some time.

Next season could be their seventh as half of Rangers back four and the sight of them together again could be too much for some.

Both have been linked with moves to Saudi Arabia and, for Tavernier in particular, it is a rumour that has been around for some time.

Have spoken about looking to add experience recently, Steven Gerrard has issued another update on what his plans for the summer are, via The Daily Record:

“My team’s players certainly have very great potential but everything is on the table.

“Now we are at the end of the season, we will put all the matters in order to discuss them with the club’s management, and all the files will be put in place and all talks will be on the table.”

Rangers clear out is long overdue as Clement gets to work

Gerrard would go a long way towards making up for how he left Rangers if he gave Clement a decent amount of money who are under more intense scrutiny than ever before.

Dujon Sterling is pushing Tavernier and Goldson was already dropped before his season was ended through injury.

How much two players who are used to starting every week will want to start spending more time on the bench, only they will know.

It feels like the end of an era with five players leaving last season at the end of their contracts and six players this summer.

The problem is, Tavernier and Goldson are synonymous with failure after six years and just three trophies.

Clement is clearly planning to clear the decks:

“There will be changes, we need changes.

“I think as a club we are in some ways at the end of a cycle. So we need to change some things.

“The fitness is not good enough to play three games a week at high intensity, that is the reason for so many injuries.”

If Clement wants a younger, more dynamic team, he has to look at two players who are far from young or dynamic and already on a downward curve and seriously consider moving them on.

Hopefully, Gerrard remembers his old office phone number.