Missile attack on Sumy region: Dead and wounded reported

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Russians attacked Krasnopillia, Sumy region, on Wednesday, May 29. There are reports of dead and wounded, citing the Sumy Regional Military Administration (RMA).

"Today, May 29, a missile strike was launched from the territory of the Russian Federation on the Krasnopil community," the RMA specified.

According to the administration, the preliminary data indicates that the enemy attack resulted in the deaths of two people and injured three others.

Consequences of Russian attack

A cultural center and administrative buildings were damaged in the attack. All necessary services are working at the scene. The full extent of the damage from the enemy shelling is still being assessed.

Shelling of Sumy region

The Russian occupiers attacked the Sumy region on May 29.

Earlier, the RMA reported that during the night and morning, the Russians carried out two shelling attacks, hitting Konotop and the Shalyhyne community.

Additionally, Ukraine's air defense systems shot down a Russian missile.