Teen armed himself with machete after metal object thrown through window at his grandparents’ house in Richmond Road, Gillingham

A teenager armed himself with a machete in a street after a window at his grandparents' home was deliberately smashed.

Joshua Ajao was arrested after police were called to a disturbance reportedly involving four people in Richmond Road, Gillingham at about 9.30pm on April 18.

Police were called to a disturbance reportedly involving four people in Richmond Road, Gillingham. Photo: Google

The 19-year-old was said to have “reacted” to a metal object, described as an engine component, being thrown at and breaking glass at the front of his relatives’ property.

He then wielded the weapon as he “chased off” those believed to be responsible.

Appearing at Maidstone Crown Court on Monday (May 20), Ajao admitted offences of having a bladed article and affray.

A charge of attempting to pervert the course of justice - relating to an alleged request of a shop assistant at a nearby store to delete its CCTV footage - was left on the court file after the teen’s not guilty plea was accepted by the prosecution.

Having asked for sentencing to be adjourned for reports, Ajao's barrister Tom Stern detailed the background to the offences, telling the court that the grandparents’ property had been targeted twice in two days.

Joshua Ajao admitted the offences at Maidstone Crown Court. Picture: Stock image

“The defendant was that night at his grandparents' address when a metal object, some form of engine component, was thrown through the front window, breaking the glass," explained the lawyer.

“He reacted by running outside and down the street towards two individuals who had been on that bike. He essentially chased them off.

“The previous day an object was thrown through his grandparents' window which led to police being called and attending.

“It appears this was a repetition of conduct by those third parties. He doesn't know who those third parties are...He simply reacted to it.”

Ajao, of Moat Lane, Upnor, was released on bail until he is sentenced in a two-week period commencing July 1.

He is currently subject to a community order for a previous conviction of having a bladed article when he was 17.

The court heard another teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was also charged in relation to the incident in Richmond Road and faces youth court proceedings.