Scholz pledges 'we are doing everything' for safe Euro 2024 event

Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks during the German Cabinet meeting in the Chancellery. Michael Kappeler/dpa

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has full faith in the big security operation around Euro 2024 and has told those who will attend the matches to feel that way as well.

"A lot has been done for security. You should concentrate on the game and on watching and cheering on the teams," Scholz told the Spielmacher (Playmaker) podcast.

He assured that "we are doing everything for security in the stadiums, and outside them as well" to be prepared for fan trouble as well as terror threats.

Scholz said that Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has constantly briefed him on all aspects of the security concept which includes cooperating with police and intelligent services from other countries in an attempt "to rule out all kinds of risks."

"All possible, difficult situations have been examined and tested. Of course we cannot say that nothing can happen, that is not possible in the very difficult, dangerous global situation in which we currently find ourselves, but we can say that we have done everything that makes sense to maximise security," Scholz said.

The umbrella organization of German fan aid meanwhile expressed concerns through their head Linda Röttig over what they named excessive police operations and attacks on fans which "can no longer be rated individual cases but has a considerably broader effect."

"We see it as an attack on the fan culture. These are massive encroachments on civil liberties and civil rights," Röttig said, accusing security authorities of using irritant gas, firearms and encirclement.

"This is unjustifiable and a spiral of escalation by the police that must stop - especially in view of the European championships," she added.

Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz laughs before the start of the German Cabinet meeting in the Chancellery. Michael Kappeler/dpa