Nicola Sturgeon confirms plan to campaign with SNP despite police investigation

Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed plans to campaign with the SNP, despite the police investigation into the party.

The ex-SNP leader was asked about her plans to campaign for the party in Holyrood earlier.

Asked whether she is still an asset to the party, Sturgeon said: "That’s not for me to decide." But she committed to campaigning for the SNP “from time to time”.

And asked if she plans to be out on the doorsteps, Sturgeon said: "I’ll be campaigning in the election from time to time, yes."

Nicola Sturgeon

When asked whether she will appear alongside First Minister John Swinney - who previously served as Sturgeon's number two - she said: "Look, John will have his own programme and I will campaign in ways that I think are helpful to candidates."

Sturgeon has generally kept a low profile since stepping down last year.

The former SNP leader is still under active police investigation as part of Operation Branchform, a probe into the SNP's finances.

Her husband Peter Murrell, the party's former chief executive, was charged last month in connection with embezzlement of funds from the SNP.

The former SNP chief executive and his wife were both arrested and released without charge last year.

The party's former Treasurer Colin Beattie was also arrested and released without charge.

The police inquiry - dubbed Operation Branchform - has been ongoing since July 2021.


Police Scotland is investigating whether £660,000 raised by the SNP for a second independence referendum was spent on other things.

The total cost of the investigation has cost taxpayers more than £1 million.