Macworld Podcast: Why are you excited about Apple WWDC24?


Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with a keynote on June 10. We’ve heard rumors and reports about what Apple may do at its event, and we were wondering, what do you, the readers of Macworld and the listeners of this podcast, think? For this week’s show, we went to social media and asked for your thoughts on WWDC, and we talked about your hot takes on the show.

This is episode 886 with Jason Cross, Michael Simon, and Roman Loyola.

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Your hot WWDC24 hot takes mentioned in episode 886

AI is supposed to be at the forefront of the WWDC keynote on June 10 and throughout WWDC in general. So we could see a lot of AI-based features, but perhaps we should temper our expectations.


I wish Apple would concentrate on having Siri understanding simple English language commands.






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From more information about WWDC, click on the links below.

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