Watch: CNN Anchor Stunned After Discovering Dirty Surprise Inside North Korean Balloons Sent to South Korea

Korean Central News Agency / Korea News Service via AP; @willripleyCNN / X screen shot

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has taken "trash talking" to a whole new level by launching more than 150 balloons filled with garbage, propaganda pamphlets and excrement into South Korea.

The balloons crossed the border on Tuesday, landing in cities across South Korea — including its capital, Seoul, The Korea Herald reported Wednesday.

"The balloons appeared to have carried various kinds of waste, including plastic bottles, batteries, shoe parts, and even manure," the outlet said. "Military officials are currently collecting the debris for detailed analysis."

The incident was a retaliatory reaction after South Korean activists sent balloons carrying anti-North Korean leaflets and USB drives containing South Korean pop culture content to the North.

South Korea's joint chiefs of staff slammed the episode as a threat to regional stability, the Herald reported.

"These acts by North Korea clearly violate international law and seriously threaten our people's safety," they said.

“We sternly warn North Korea to cease its inhumane and vulgar actions immediately.”

CNN anchor Julia Chatterley looked stunned and amused while discussing the bizarre event on Wednesday.

North Korea's propaganda dept., run by Kim Jong Un's sister, knows how to make a statement. They sent 260+ balloons full of trash (and reportedly s***, which S. Korea denies) in response to activists illegally sending leaflets via balloon to the north. @jchatterleyCNN @firstmove

— Will Ripley (@willripleyCNN) May 29, 2024

While the trashy incident might seem random, the North had warned the South that it would retaliate after anti-North Korean leaflets were recently launched into the North.

"Mounds of wastepaper and filth will soon be scattered over the border areas and the interior of the Republic of Korea, and it will directly experience how much effort is required to remove them," Kim Kang-il, the North's vice defense minister, said Sunday, according to the Herald.

North Korea drops over 200 balloons filled with rubbish over South Korea

— Sky News (@SkyNews) May 29, 2024

This absurd episode is yet another reminder thatJoe Biden's failed presidency has ignited widespread geopolitical instability — from Ukraine to the Middle East to Asia.

Meanwhile, in North America, the United States is buckling under invasions by unvetted armies of illegal aliens as Americans struggle to pay their grocery bills and grapple with terrifying crime waves.

This festering global chaos is a scathing indictment of Biden's disastrous tenure and another reason he must not remain in the Oval Office.