New claims about Trump 'N-word tape' sparks The View to recount his long history of racism

Donald Trump press conference at Trump Tower / Shutterstock

The co-hosts of "The View" aren't buying Donald Trump's denials that he used racist terms while working as the host "The Apprentice" reality TV show.

A recent column by a former NBC producer whose nondisclosure agreement expired this year claimed that there is a video of Trump spewing the N-word on the set of the show.

The hosts of "The View" on Thursday said that they found the producer's claims believable given Trump's long history of racist rhetoric.

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Read also: Racism, fascism and cruelty: Donald Trump’s New Hampshire performance in nine quotes

Joy Behar began her list of Trump's racism, noting that he still refuses to apologize for falsely accusing the so-called "Central Park Five" of crimes for which they have since been exonerated.

"He wanted to kill them, okay?" Behar emphasized.

She then explained the trouble that Trump and his father got in back in the 1970s when the Department of Justice sued them for allegedly refusing to rent apartments to Black tenants.

"By the way, his history is the family's history because they own buildings in New York City, and he refused to rent or sell any of his apartments to non-white people," she continued.

She then went back to the false claims Trump made about America's first Black president.

"And the original thing, he said that [President Barack] Obama was not born in this country. That is strictly based on racism," Behar also said.

"And it's a lie," Goldberg agreed.

Trump pressed the conspiracy theory for years that Obama, as the first Black president, wasn't a legitimate American citizen.

Behar said that if Trump is "good to Black people, then I'm a natural redhead."

Sunny Hostin jumped in to add to the list.

"His tax law disproportionately hurt Black Americans. Trump's DOJ gave federal prosecutors wider latitude to pursue criminal drug charges and harbor sentences against Black Americans and rolled back Obama-era guidance on school discipline aimed at protecting Black students. And described African Americans and Hispanics as communities wholly impoverished and crime-ridden. I just wanted to add that," she said.

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