Stoltenberg to ask allies for €40 billion annually to aid Ukraine - Reuters

Photo: NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (Getty Images)

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg intends to ask the allies to allocate about 40 billion euros a year for military aid to Ukraine, according to Reuters.

According to the agency's NATO source, such funding would sustain at least the current levels of military support provided by the allies.

"We need to sustain that current level of support as a minimum to provide the predictability Ukraine needs, for as long as necessary," the source told Reuters.

He also added that NATO allies have provided Ukraine with about 40 billion euros a year since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion.

It is noted that such a deal has not been publicly announced yet, but ministers of NATO member states are currently in Prague for talks.

Military assistance to Ukraine

Today, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced a new military aid package for Ukraine worth 500 million euros.

On May 24, the United States allocated another military aid package to Ukraine. The announced package is worth $275 million.

Ukraine will also receive almost a million rounds of ammunition by the end of the year as part of Czechia's initiative.