Garden plants that will thrive in all weather even if you don’t have a green thumb

Many people are preparing their gardens for the fun summer ahead, but some gardeners struggle to find the perfect plants that will endure weather conditions throughout the season.

Well, don’t let unpredictable weather dampen your gardening spirit this summer! If you find that particular plants keep dying, gardening expert Calum Maddock has shared a list of flowers that will thrive in all weather. Explore a range of plants from the sun-loving Hydrangea to the shade-tolerant Primula Vulgaris; including options with vibrant pops of color or elegant, understated blooms and more.

Garden plants that will survive all weather

Maddock encourages you to embrace the power of resilient blooms and watch your garden flourish, rain or shine.

Explore a variety of flowering plants that can withstand all weather conditions – from scorching summers to harsh winters. Keep in mind that with a little planning and the right plant choices, you can cultivate your ideal garden fit for any season!

First up is Hemerocallis which is perfect for creating a large, colorful display as the bright orange, glowing plants are very hardy and can survive harsh winter weather without the need for any further protection.

These flowers stand on strong stems and are very easy to grow, and they are short-lived – giving them the common name ‘daylily.’ Most varieties are herbaceous perennials, meaning they tend to die down each autumn and then re-bloom each spring. Although some varieties are evergreen, so they keep their leaves throughout the year.

Primula Vulgaris is a type of primrose known for its long flowering periods. They can often bloom as early as December, and they tend to thrive in damp, shaded conditions and work well in providing an early source of pollen and nectar for bees and other pollinating insects.

Maddock suggests allowing the plants to self-seed naturally around your garden. You should also mulch (cover decaying leaves spread over the soil) annually with some good-quality compost or well-rotted manure.

Then there are Geranium Phaeum plants, which self-seed, making them very useful for filling up large areas of your garden. They are also commonly known as ‘mourning widows,’ ‘dusky crane’s-bill,’ or ‘black widows.’

The dark violet flower should be planted in moist, well-drained soil and can be placed in full sun to shade. Cut back the plants after flowering if you want to encourage a further flush of blooms.

Plants to make your garden beautiful


Iris Pseudacorus work best in moist areas with rich soil and thrive when placed in an area with full sun exposure, they are the ideal addition to any wildlife garden as they attract hoverflies, bees, and other insects, they also work well when placed close to a pond.

These plants can thrive in up to a foot of brackish or fresh water. Make sure to remove wilted flowers when they die off, but keep the leaves until they are completely yellow. The leaves must remain connected to the roots until they are completely dead, so the plant can build up stocks ready for the next bloom.

Maddock states that Hydrangea Arborescens are known for being very hardy, and the flowers look beautiful when planted in the borders around your garden.

The flower heads can grow up to 30cm in width, and they thrive in well-drained soil with full sun or partial shade. However, late winter frosts can damage the buds, so Maddock recommends planting them in sheltered corners of the garden or against a warm wall if your garden gets quite cold in the winter.

As beautiful as Hydrangea Arborescens plants may be, it’s important to note that these flowers can be toxic to cats and dogs. Be cautious of planting these flowers if you have a pet running around them.

Euphorbia Characias, also commonly known as ‘Mediterranean Spurge’, are enthusiastic plants that can grow up to 1.2 meters in height.

For the best results, Maddock advises growing these plants in moist, well-drained soil in full sun. Make sure you cut the flower stems to ground level when the blooms fade and take care when handling these plants as they produce a thick, white sap that can irritate skin and eyes.

Calum Maddock is a gardening expert at HomeHow. HomeHow is a UK website that helps homeowners looking to improve their property, finding estimated costs for home improvement and renovation jobs. HomeHow also has a wide range of experts with extensive knowledge in areas like interior design, cleaning, and gardening.