Two things couples need to consider to match 'seamlessly', according to astrologist

If you’re out on your dating luck then it might be time to look to spiritual theories where an astrologist has detailed the most compatible astrological signs.

Spiritual beliefs and practices are experiencing a renaissance of sorts at the moment, largely thanks to social media apps like TikTok where astrologers are sharing tips like the luckiest day of the week.

What are the most compatible astrological signs?

Credit: Unsplash/Nastya Dulhiier

To better understand the power of the stars and each of our birth charts, The Focus spoke to Pathfinder 1 to 1’s Wendy Rosenthal, who uses her astrology knowledge in the business sector.

Before we even get to your astrological signs and who you are most compatible with, Wendy said it was important to identify which element your sign falls into. With varying characteristics between earth, air, fire, and water, the expert argued that daters should be looking to match with a complimentary element like water and earth, or air and fire.

In case you weren’t aware of your element:

  • Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
  • Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
  • Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

As such, the first set of astrological signs that are the most compatible are Aries and Gemini, who are both “friendly and logical.”

“Aries support the Gemini’s need to multitask while Gemini’s support the Aries desire to be in a leadership role and to be the center of attention without feeling slighted,” Wendy told us. “Together, they have the ability to create an extensive network of friends and business colleagues. They will definitely have a lot of fun and laughs together.”

Credit: Unsplash/Mayur Gala

Taurus and Pisces are also a good match because the former keeps the latter grounded while being inspired by their creativity.

If you’re a super-organized Virgo with a drive for perfection, then Wendy said you could benefit from the compassionate influence of a Cancer. Don’t worry Cancers, you will also benefit from the relationship thanks to your Virgo’s stability.

Leo’s need more sensitivity

Though the Leo in your life might be a great leader with oodles of charisma, they could do with a Libra to show them the world outside of the spotlight.

Wendy explained: “Libras really help Leos have more empathy expanding their ability to make a greater impact. Leos are wonderful at helping Librans be more decisive and to think bigger about themselves and their lives.”

“Intuitive Scorpios help materialistic Capricorns let go of the need for physical success. They help them be more in touch with their emotions and to connect to people more than things,” the astrologer said on Scorpios and Capricorns. “Capricorns keep Scorpions focused and help to keep them out of the self-doubt they tend to live in. Together they can be a very successful pairing both financially and emotionally. They balance each other well.”

Credit: Unsplash/Viva Luna Studios

It seems that not all compatible astrological signs are made equal as Sagittarius and Aquarius definitely have the best-sounding relationship thanks to dual skills in empathy and wisdom.

“Both Sagittarians and Aquarians love to learn and share their wisdom so this pairing creates impact wherever they go. Rebellious Aquarius shares its wisdom by looking for ways to change the world but often they act before they think,” Wendy noted. “Sagittarians help them develop more effective plans to actually make that happen. Aquarians help Sagittarians see that even when you want to change the world you can’t control it helping them to let go of their way being the only and best way.”

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