North Korea launches ballistic missiles - Seoul suggests it advertises for Russia

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (photo: Getty Images)

South Korean military officials have referred to North Korea's recent firing of 600-millimeter super-large multiple rocket launch systems as a potential demonstration for potential buyers, including Russia, reports Reuters.

The firing was personally overseen by North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

North Korea has launched at least 10 short-range ballistic missiles near the eastern coast.

The official North Korean agency reported that the target was successfully hit.

Kim Jong UN called on North Korea's nuclear forces to be prepared to carry out the mission of deterring war and to take the initiative in case of its outbreak.

"Showers of fire for annihilation" during the exercises demonstrated North Korea's willingness to defend its sovereignty and respond to the enemy, according to a statement from North Korean state media.

The US State Department condemned the launch as reckless and in violation of numerous UN Security Council resolutions.

Pyongyang supplies Russia with weapons

Recently, on May 20, a US representative at the UN stated that the Russian Federation has purchased over 11,000 containers of weapons from North Korea for use in the war against Ukraine.

The supply of weapons, including missiles, from North Korea to Russia has been known for some time. Several countries have imposed sanctions on both states for this. The latest to do so was Japan.

According to American media reports, Russia and North Korea may be preparing a large-scale military provocation in October, shortly before the start of the US presidential election.