Morrisons staff in Sutton Road, Maidstone praised after handing out chocolate biscuits to drivers stuck in traffic

Staff at a supermarket have been praised for handing out chocolate biscuits to drivers stuck in unexpected traffic.

Workers at Morrisons in Sutton Road, Maidstone were seen directing motorists, handing out sweet treats and cheering up children during a jam caused by three-way temporary lights.

Shoppers struggled to leave the car park as traffic tailed back

Becca Morris was stuck in the grocery store’s car park which had queues to leave.

“Every single aisle was a maze of stationery cars trying to worm their way to the exit – I've never seen anything like it,” she said.

“I was like oh Christ – you know stuck in traffic, had frozen stuff in the boot and it was hot that day.

“I was in a bad mood and then I saw their smiling little faces handing out chocolate.”

Staff at Morrisons handed out chocolate biscuits to drivers stuck in the jam

Security officers and shop workers carried a trolley full of Cadbury chocolate fingers as they knocked on car windows offering them to stuck drivers.

Becca added: “They were being like traffic marshalls trying to make sure everyone was getting a fair time to get in and out.

“They were also making a real effort with the kids to make them laugh by pulling funny faces at them.

“They didn’t have to do all that and it was really nice of them to do.

“You know it’s not in their job description – it was really generous.”

The Morrisons in Sutton Road, Maidstone

The traffic had particularly built up at the mini roundabout between the supermarket, doctor's surgery and garage by lunchtime – some drivers reported being stuck in the queue for over an hour.

The works, which are believed to be complete now, were in place to install a phone mast.