Hall needed to host hustings for Maidstone and Malling general election candidates

The general election is less than five weeks away but how well do we know our candidates and the policies they will be putting forward?

Not well enough is the view of Bearsted resident Duncan Edwards, who has decided to organise a public hustings event for those fighting for the new Maidstone and Malling constituency.

Duncan Edwards says "meeting the candidates face-to-face is best"

He said: “This is the most important election for a long time and people need to understand the candidates and what they are saying if they are to make an informed choice - and surely everyone would agree it is better to make an informed choice?

“Reading an election leaflet is all very well, but it gives no chance for the voter to ask the questions of the candidate that they want answers to.”

Mr Edwards said he wanted it clear he was not suggesting the hustings in order to promote any particular party or any particular policy.

The retired IT quality assurance manager with British Airways has already contacted the five candidates who have so far declared that they will be fighting the constituency.

They are Maureen Cleator (Labour), Helen Grant (Conservative), Stuart Jeffery (Green), Dave Naghi (Lib Dem) and Paul Thomas (Reform UK).

The deadline for nominations is June 7, so it is possible that they may yet be joined by others.

Mr Edwards, 63, said: “All the candidates leapt at the chance.

“The problem is finding a venue.”

He is seeking a hall large enough to hold a good-sized audience, preferably near the town centre.

He said: “My first thought was the Market Hall at Lockmeadow, which is where the Maidstone Repair Cafe which is something I am involved in, takes place, but the council turned me down. They said they didn’t let out council buildings for political events.

“It is somewhat surprising that there isn’t already a plan in place by the authorities to provide a hustings event whenever there is a general election. It would be so useful.”

Kent's new parliamentary constituencies

Anyone who can offer Mr Edwards a suitable venue can contact him by email on edwards152@ymail.com

The Maidstone and Malling constituency is newly created for this election after boundaries were re-drawn.

Not all Maidstone residents will vote in the new constituency. Some will come under the Faversham and Mid Kent constituency, and some will be in the new Weald of Kent constituency.