'Suffused with lies': George Conway lays waste to Republican's attacks on Trump verdict

George Conway appears on CNN (Screen cap)

Anti-Trump attorney George Conway on Friday got into an angry clash with Republican operative Scott Jennings over the Republican response to former President Donald Trump's multiple felony convictions.

During an appearance on CNN, Conway slapped down Republican claims that Trump is the victim of a political prosecution by laying out how Trump's actions led to him becoming a convicted felon.

"I mean, if you don't want to be found guilty of falsifying business records as a felony, don't sleep with the porn star, don't lie about it, don't pay her off, don't cover up the payoff, don't cover off the payoff in the middle of a presidential campaign," he said.

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Conway then turned his attention to the other alleged crimes that Trump for which Trump has been indicted.

"If you don't want to be indicted for overthrowing the Constitution, don't start a self-coup," he said. "If you don't want to be indicted for stealing classified documents and obstructing justice, don't take the classified documents. When the government asked for it back, give them back. If the FBI serves you with a search warrant, don't hide the documents and don't lie about it and don't have your lawyers lie about it. This isn't that hard. Donald Trump is not the victim here!"

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Jennings made the argument that Trump's convictions would only help him politically since they were done at the behest of a Democratic New York prosecutor, but Conway argued that Jennings' response is everything that is wrong with the current Republican Party and the conservative movement as a whole.

"This is the problem with the Republican Party: They are suffused with lies," he said. "I don't know why this network is paying Scott to say those lies."

This drew a brushback from host Briana Keilar, who chided Conway for calling Jennings a liar on live TV.

"Scott is our colleague and we're going to treat him respectfully as such!" she insisted.

"Well he shouldn't lie!" Conway shot back.

Watch the video below or at this link.

'Addicted to lies': George Conway lays waste to Republican's attacks on Trump verdict www.youtube.com

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