'He's a loser': Branding expert writes Trump's epitaph after he's ruined by conviction

Donald TYrump (Photo by Timothy Clary for AFP)

During an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," branding expert and MSNBC regular Donnie Deutsch claimed Donald Trump will never get past being known as a convicted felon no matter what he does from this point forward.

Combined with his string of courthouse losses that preceded his conviction on 34 felony counts of business fraud, Deutsch claimed the former president will have to live with the stench of being a "loser."

In a brutal assessment on Friday morning after the historic conviction of a former president, Deutsch stated, "It is interesting you mention branding. What hit me yesterday when I heard those guilty — the 34 guilty verdicts — was that from here on in, Donald Trump, the ultimate brander, the guy that gave you 'Little Marco' or 'Lying Ted' is simply branded: 'Convicted felon Donald Trump.' in the most simplistic way."

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"From here on in, the other side has the ability to take the great brander and brand him in the most simplistic term: convicted felon," he advised before adding, " That's powerful."

"Yes, I went on the show the other day and said, i don't know if it'll matter that much," he admitted. "When I heard the guilty verdict, it hit me. He simplistically is in a box now. Two things happened to his brand: number one, he is not invincible, the armor got pierced, and that is a big deal. If he had been acquitted, you can't get this guy, he's bigger than everybody, he is bigger than life — he's not. he is invincible."

"Now, the eight-year streak of losing for Republicans," he stated. "Donald Trump lost. He is a loser. He is anything but invincible. He is branded permanently a convicted felon, that's a big deal."

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