Fox News 'feast of disinformation' on Trump trial will come back to bite GOP: Morning Joe


MSNBC's Joe Scarborough warned Republicans that Fox News "disinformation" about Donald Trump's criminal convictions would hurt their election chances later this year.

A Manhattan jury convicted the former president on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up other crimes, and the "Morning Joe" host said he and Mika Brzezinski, his wife and co-host, watched some of the conservative network's coverage of the verdict and were appalled by what they saw.

"I just want to say, as Mika was flipping over to other channels, and they seem to be in an alternate universe," Scarborough said. "She was distressed that the facts just didn't seem to matter. I reminded her of what happened in 2012, which is, Fox News kept telling everybody that Mitt Romney was going to beat Barack Obama up until Election Night. They were so sure of it. They kept pushing that information so much that even Mitt Romney and Ann Romney that night couldn't believe it. They were like, wait a sec, we're winning this, because they just watched this one channel."

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READ MORE: Trump found guilty on all counts in first-ever criminal trial of a former president

"I don't mean to be pollyannaish about it," Scarborough added, "but if people just want to watch Fox News between now and the election, if they want to just feast on disinformation, if they want to be blind to what swing state voters want to hear about and what they care about, does not hurt Joe Biden, doesn't hurt the Democrats. It ends up hurting Republicans because, I will say again, they've lost. They lost in '17, '18, '19, '20, '21, '22, '23. They have lived in this echo chamber that they've chosen to stay in. They still are in the echo chamber right now. again, it's their decision. I keep trying to tell them, don't be boy in the plastic bubble. Open up, go out there. Get information from other sides, be more competitive. They just can't do it."

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