Council approves new police logistics hub in Thatcham

West Berkshire Council has approved a new logistics hub for Thames Valley Police (TVP) off the Bath Road in Thatcham.

The approved three-storey block will occupy around 7,800 square metres at Gables Way and will comprise offices and laboratories.

Site of the approved new police hub to the east of Thatcham

Thatcham Town Council supported the principle of the development, but suggested the applicant considered reducing the height of the development — projected to reach 17.5 metres tall.

The council also requested the roof space be used for solar panels and the proposal include sufficient electric vehicle charging points.

Midgham Parish Council objected due to flooding risk, the building’s height and fears about ribbon development along the A4.

But a report by the eastern area planning committee, updated on May 8, confirmed: “The existing permission was outline with parameters set for the maximum height only.

“There were no elevation drawings submitted or approved as these would be part of a reserved matters application.”

It continued: “At the site visit, there was a query regarding the trees to be removed to accommodate the primary access.

“The tree officer has reviewed the tree details and has raised no objections to the proposals.”

And in response to increased traffic concerns along the A4, the report added: “The secondary access hereby permitted from the site to the A4 shall not be used other than for emergency exit purposes only.

“Emergency exit purposes are limited to emergency service vehicles and only for police personnel in an emergency scenario when the primary access to Gables Way is blocked or inoperable.”

TVP forecasts the site will employ around 400 employees – up to 30 per cent of whom would commute from outside the area.

TVP also hopes to include an outdoor space, garage, storage building, reception building, internal access roads and car and cycle parking.