Thousands protest at Berlin climate rally ahead of EU elections

People take part in a demonstration by the "Fridays for Future" climate movement for the 2024 European elections. Alina Schmidt/dpa

Thousands of people gathered in Berlin on Friday for a demonstration organized by the climate activist movement Fridays for Future.

Police estimates placed the crowd at more than 5,000 people, while organizers estimated a turnout of more than 13,000.

The rally started in front of the Brandenburg Gate in the heart of Berlin's government district. Participants at the demonstration demanded more urgent action to address climate change.

Organizers also called for the defence of democratic values and a fight against far-right extremism.

With the European Union elections scheduled in nine days, Fridays for Future has called for protests to take place in around 100 cities in Germany.

Protests are planned in 13 other EU countries by July 7.

The movement is calling for an EU-wide phase-out of coal, oil and gas by 2035 and a doubling of investment in renewable energies and climate-neutral industries.

The new European Parliament must take a clear stance in favour of climate action and democracy, Frieda Egeling, spokeswoman of Fridays For Future Berlin, said in a statement.

Further demonstrations are to take place in the likes of Hamburg and Munich.

Some 15,000 protesters are expected in Hamburg and around 8,000 in Munich.

Climate activists want to use the upcoming rallies to draw attention to the importance of the EU in tackling the climate crisis.

In Germany, the European elections will take place on Sunday, June 9.

Participants in a demonstration against climate change and for climate justice stand on the square of the Old Synagogue in Freiburg. The Fridays for Future movement aims to demonstrate for climate protection and democracy in Germany on 31 May. With the European elections scheduled in nine days, protests are to take place in around 100 cities in Germany, the organization says. Protests are planned in 13 other EU countries by 07 July. Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa