Trump's 'state of mind' questioned after 'incoherent' felony conviction speech

Donald Trump speaking at Trump Tower on 5/31 (CNN screenshot)

The entire CNN panel coveringDonald Trump's Friday speech at Trump Tower Friday expressed surprise he fled from the press without taking questions, with host Kasie Hunt suggesting the former president is having trouble dealing with his life as a convicted felon.

With the speech already labeled as "very disjointed" by host Erin Burnett, CNN Political Director David Chalian expressed dismay that he ducked out on what was supposed to be a press availability — and derisively labeled the event, "A venting session for a convicted felon."

That led Bloomberg columnist Nia-Malika Henderson to note Trump's attack on President Joe Biden's age, and point out Trump can't "really speak or put two sentences together."

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"It was, I think, surprisingly incoherent; surprisingly all over the place. He wants to make this argument about age against Biden, but here he was looking, you know, kind of like an old man who was just ranting and raving in a self-involved way," she elaborated.

She then added, "This wasn't a great outing for him. I think it was probably smart of him not to answer questions given where he has been so far in this speech. And if you look at the times he has answered questions, he gets himself in trouble on any number of issues."

That led Hunt to suggest, " I also think the fact that he didn't take questions is sort of telling in terms of his state of mind because it actually is typically something, certainly during the Trump administration, that he thrived on, right?"

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