'Worst argument I've heard': Kellyanne Conway's attempt to spin Trump verdict trashed

Kellyanne Conway (Photo by Nicholas Kamm by AFP)

Former Trump White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Friday defiantly defended former President Donald Trump after he was found guilty of 34 felony counts earlier this week.

Writing on Twitter, Conway used one of her tried-and-tested spin tactics that she regularly employed while at the White House: Namely, she pivoted to attacking Trump's political opponents.

"This Verdict Won't Change One Fundamental Thing: It won't make Joe Biden any less 81 years old; won't make Kamala Harris smarter; won't excuse the fact that Joe Biden crushed the American Dream for so many; won't excuse the millions, including terrorists and Chinese nationals, Biden has let walk into our country."

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Conway's attempt to wave away Trump's felony conviction — the first for any former president of the United States — was met with mockery by many of her followers, including her ex-husband George Conway, who has for years been one of Trump's fiercest critics.

"Maybe his lawyers should put these points in their pre-sentencing memo," he joked.

ALSO READ: ‘That's the Kool Aid’: Republicans triple down on Trump the morning after guilty verdict

Some other Conway followers were equally dismissive of her arguments.

"That’s perhaps the worst argument I’ve heard," wrote one. "Congratulations!"

"Worst talking points I've seen in response to guilty verdict," commented another. "Looks like a 4th grader was asked how she feels that Susie got the doll instead of her. Lies, nonsense and illogical points."

User Keith Foster, meanwhile, came back with a talking-points list of his own.

"The verdict won't change these things: Still a felon; 78 years old (On election day); Project 2025; Taking freedoms from people; His VP shortlist makes VP Harris look so much better by comparison," he wrote.

Trump for months has consistently had an edge over Biden in head-to-head polling but it remains to be seen if that will change at all after Trump's felony conviction.

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