J.D. Vance snarls at CNN's Wolf Blitzer as he's peppered with questions about felon Trump

J.D. Vance, Wolf Blitzer (CNN screenshots)

A very persistent Wolf Blitzer got under the skin of Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) during a Friday interview about convicted felon Donald Trump as the CNN host persistently called the former president out for his over-the-top ranting about the just concluded Manhattan trial.

During the contentious interview, the longtime CNN host refused to let the Ohio lawmaker talk over him and pressed him to answer his questions, which only led Vance to grow animated and raise his voice.

Blitzer, who lost family members at Auschwitz during the Holocaust, took particular exception to Trump calling the U.S. a "fascist state" in his "incoherent" speech at Trump Tower on Friday, which led him to press Vance over whether he agreed about the state of the country.

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That was preceded by Vance stating, "I believe that Donald Trump did nothing wrong," which led to him asserting the 34 felony counts Trump was convicted of shouldn't happen "in the country I want to live in. Not in the United States of America that I know and love."

Blitzer shot back, "So you don't want to live in the United States?"

"I don't want to live in a New York sham prosecution — I would not live in New York state right now, absolutely I wouldn't Wolf," Vance replied.

"But you don't believe we live in a fascist state, do you?" Blitzer later asked, quoting Trump.

"Wolf, I think that..." Vance began as Blitzer followed up with, "Answer the question."

"I think what happened in New York, if you apply to across all 50 states, would be the definition of fascism," the Ohio Republican replied as Blitzer attempted to speak again. Vance spoke over him, complaining, "Throwing your political opponents in jail? Thank God it only happened in New York and not the rest of the country."

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CNN 05 31 2024 12 29 20 youtu.be

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