Giuliani moves closer to losing law license for trying to overturn Trump's election loss

ATLANTA, GEORGIA - AUGUST 23: Rudy Giuliani speaks to the media after leaving the Fulton County jail on August 23, 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia. Giuliani is one of 19, including former President Donald Trump, facing felony charges in the indictment related to tampering with the 2020 election in Georgia who have been ordered to turn themselves in by August 25. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

An attorney disciplinary board has recommended disbarment for Rudy Giuliani for his role in trying to overturn Donald Trump's election loss.

The professional responsibility board in Washington, D.C. issued its recommendation Friday that the former New York City mayor and federal prosecutor lose his law license, which had already been suspended for his post-2020 election activity on behalf of the former president, reported CNN.

“We conclude that disbarment is the only sanction that will protect the public, the courts, and the integrity of the legal profession, and deter other lawyers from launching similarly baseless claims in the pursuit of such wide-ranging yet completely unjustified relief,” the discipline board wrote.

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The District of Columbia Court of Appeals will ultimately decide whether Giuliani should permanently lose his law license, but the disciplinary board agreed with findings by a hearing committee that the ex-mayor violated attorney conduct rules by filing a lawsuit in Pennsylvania seeking to toss out more than 1 million votes.

“We agree with the Hearing Committee that the Pennsylvania litigation was based ‘only on speculation, mistrust, and suspicion,’” the opinion said. "[Giuliani presented] no facts to support the claims he made and his opinion that election impropriety occurred does not meet the requirements for filing a lawsuit.”

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Other attorneys who worked for Trump have faced professional misconduct proceedings for their election work, including Jenna Ellis, whose Colorado law license was suspended for three years after pleading guilty to in an election interference case in Georgia, and John Eastman, whose California law license is suspended while the state bar court decides whether he should be disbarred for his fake election scheme.

Both Giuliani and Trump have been charged in the sprawling Georgia election interference case, which does not yet have a trial date scheduled, and Giuliani and Eastman have also been indicted in Arizona in a similar case.

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