'Mockery of the rule of law': GOP senators vow to stonewall Dems after Trump conviction

Senator Mike Lee speaking with supporters of President of the United States Donald Trump at a "Make America Great Again" campaign rally in 2020. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

A group of Republican Senators announced they plan to stop working with Democrats in Washington D.C. after 12 jurors convicted former President Donald Trump on criminal charges in New York City.

Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and J.D. Vance (R-OH) lead a list of eight senators who are now promising to stonewall funding increases, political appointments and Democrat-backed legislation under the administration of President Joe Biden, according to a letter dated Friday.

"The White House has made a mockery of the rule of law and fundamentally altered our politics in un-American ways," the senators write. "As a Senate Republican conference, we are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart."

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The lawmakers are joined by Sens. Tommy Tuberville, Eric Schmitt, Marsha Blackburn, Rick Scott, Roger Marshall and Marco Rubio.

In their letter, the Republicans avow the following:

"We will not 1) allow any increase to non-security related funding for this administration, or any appropriations bill which funds partisan lawfare; 2) vote to confirm this administration's political and judicial appointees; and 3) allow expedited consideration and passage of Democrat legislation or authorities that are not directly relevant to the safety of the American people."

While Trump's name does not appear in the letter, Lee's accusations that Democrats have "turned our judicial system into a political cudgel" mirrors the former president's argument that he is the victim of a political witch hunt.

The Republicans' pledge was not met with the resounding support they might have hoped for when it surfaced on social media.

"This sounds like you do not support the American system of government," replied X user Linda Stevens.

"Can't believe I ever respected you (back in 2016)," replied @NateB2. "Have some dignity for once, and stop backing Convicted Felon Trump."

"The anti law and order Tantrum," X user Tom Tillander dubbed the letter.

"Embarrassing there is only 8 signatures," argued Tristan Flynn.

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