E. Jean Carroll could be the nail in Trump's coffin at sentencing: ex-judge

Former President Donald Trump and Magazine Columnist E. Jean Carroll. Trump photo by AFP Photo/Olivier Douliery Carol Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

The E. Jean Carroll rape allegation could be about to come back to haunt former President Donald Trump in yet another way, retired New York Supreme Court Judge Diane Kiesel told MSNBC's Chris Jansing on Friday.

Carroll, who alleged that Trump assaulted her in a New York City department store in the late 1990s, has already successfully sued Trump twice for defamation, with damages totaling more than $80 million, after he claimed she was fabricating her story to advance her writing career. A third lawsuit is also possible.

Kiesel said now Judge Juan Merchan could take that case into account when deciding how to sentence Trump for his 34-count criminal conviction over falsified business records.

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"What does the judge use to weigh — obviously, do those two arguments weigh heavily?" asked Jansing. "How much does the trial transcript? How much might, for example, the fact that he got into some trouble with the judge for breaking the gag order 10 times?"

"Everything is on the table when it comes to sentencing," said Kiesel. "It is a look at Donald Trump's entire life. It's a look at any bad acts he's ever committed. Even things that were not presented at trial."

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"So E. Jean Carroll," said Jansing.

"E. Jean Carroll can come into the picture," agreed Kiesel. Additionally, she added, "I think the way in which he has ripped apart the criminal justice system every single day he's been on trial here, the judge can consider all of it. In addition, I assume there will be a lot of letters sent to the court because that happens all the time with regular defendants or non-famous defendants, if you will, in which people will say, he's, you know, the savior of our country. He's a wonderful man. Other people will say he tried to tear apart democracy when he left office, so all of that comes into play."

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Diane Kiesel explains how E. Jean Carroll could come back to haunt Trump at sentencing www.youtube.com

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