'I need a hug': CNN hosts cut off Trump ally who refuses to have 'decent conversation'

Former Trump spokesman Hogan Gidley (CNN / screen grab).

Tempers flared and a roundtable discussion on former President Donald Trump's criminal conviction devolved into chaos on CNN Friday evening, as visibly exasperated hosts Boris Sanchez and Brianna Keilar were forced to cut short a furious rant by former Trump White House spokesman Hogan Gidley, who was debating alongside former President Bill Clinton adviser Paul Begala.

"He hurts himself when he goes on these hysterical rants," said Begala. "Yes, he helps himself with his base, but his base is not the majority of the country, and there will be some MAGA people who feel some pity — look, in a way I do. He's an obese, flatulent old man with bad makeup and weird hair who had to sit in a courtroom and listen to a porn star testify about how bad he is in bed."

Gidley fired back later in the discussion, pushing a variety of conspiracy theories about the justice system going after Trump supporters.

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"The American people are focused on issues out there," said Gidley. "A lot of people have spoken with are angry that they see a weaponized judicial system going after not just a former president, but average Americans for standing up for life, for example, you go to jail, go to, go to a school board meeting and stand up for the curriculum of your children, you go to jail. This is the type of issue that will mobilize a lot of voters out there regardless of political party. But I keep hearing the left saying Joe Biden should focus on the issues, and he probably will. The problem is he's focused on the wrong ones. Of course, he's going to talk about things like J6 and abortion and the threats to democracy. People care about that, but it's nowhere near the failed policies of his border issues, where people are pouring across by the tens of millions, where you can't pay for gas or for groceries, where we have wars breaking out all over the world, crime spiking in our major cities. These are all the effects of the failed policies of Joe Biden."

"Hogan I just like — let's, can we fat-check you on these border numbers, and Paul, you're, like, fat-shaming the former president," said Keilar finally. They also requested a "decent conversation."

Begala briefly tried to defend his words, and Gidley launched into a rant.

"If we're going to have a conversation about the health of these two men, bring it," he said, as Sanchez and Keilar repeatedly tried to get a word in edgewise. "I would love to have a conversation about the physical and mental decline, it's something we're trying to say that is an issue for voters, guys, you may not want to admit it, I'm sorry, that's just the fact of the matter. People around him are concerned about his health. They have to walk around him in a weird circle to get to Marine One so no one sees is weird gait. His shoes—"

At this point, the hosts cut off the microphone and ended the segment. "It's been a conversation," said Sanchez. "I need a hug right now," remarked Keilar.

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Brianna Keilar has to shut down Hogan Gidley www.youtube.com

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