Initial Post-Verdict Poll Shows Big Six-Point Bump for Trump

Photo by MORRY GASH / POOL / AFP via Getty Images

Enthusiasm for former President Donald Trump among the populace seems completely unaffected by the ongoing legal issues that Democrats have forced upon him.

If anything, there appears to be a trend that each time he is unjustly pursued by Democrats abusing the justice system, more people simply rally behind him.

After Trump was declared guilty on 34 felony counts, he's seen perhaps the biggest boost of them all in the form of a six-point jump in favorability, according to a poll from JL Partners first reported by the Daily Mail.

It's worth noting that the poll has a relatively small sample size, only getting 400 likely voters to provide feedback, but it very well could show how the future may look.

As the Daily Mail reported, 22 percent said they view Trump more positively after the trial. That exceeds the 16 percent who said they now view him in a more negative light.

Trump appears to have gained an additional six percent of voters viewing him more favorably after the trial.

In the poll, 27 percent said they already viewed him positively and had no change in their opinion, while 32 percent said they already viewed him negatively.

If we consider the numbers as a whole, that means before this trial, the plurality of people viewed him negatively, but after it, the plurality may now view him positively.

The responses provided by the likely voters perfectly explain why.

"I think it was a waste of taxpayer money and will help propel Trump to a victory," said a 42-year-old from Illinois who previously voted for Biden.

"I just think it was a railroad job, even though I am not a fan of Trump. It's totally ludicrous," said an Arizona voter who also voted for Biden.

While of course there were people who didn't share this view, the net result only helps the former president.

It's not surprising either: nearly every action taken by Democrats to ruin Trump has instead increased his popularity.

As Democrats continue to pile on more ridiculous accusations and charges against Trump, his image as a fighter against the establishment grows stronger.

Nevertheless, they've continued to come after him, ignoring how much it's backfired on them.

Of course, the verdict just happened and the poll only was able to get a limited sample size, so the results may not be entirely set in stone.

Regardless, it's certainly given everyone a good idea of where public opinion may be trending.