Back in the day: We delve into our archives to see what was going on 10 years ago, 25 years ago and 50 years ago this week

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Frances Waldron sent in this picture of the Newbury Lido taken in April 1988. She wrote: “I think there were some renovations being done, as I was walking past. There used to be wooden changing cubicles, with wooden slats on the floor, and also a nice little shop which sold teas, ices, etc and lovely banana toffee sticks.”

10 years ago – May 29, 2014

Farewell Vernon

A Second World War veteran who played a key role in the Royal Navy in sinking Hitler’s Tirpitz battleship, cutting communication cables in the Far East, and in the destruction of Bergen’s floating dock, was greeted with a guard of honour as his coffin arrived at, and departed from, St Mary’s Church, Shaw, on Friday.

Vernon Coles died peacefully on May 2 and has now been buried in Shaw Cemetery next to his wife of 62 years, Marie, who died in 2010.

Standard bearers from the Paratroop Regiment, Royal Marines, Royal British Legion and Submarine Association led his coffin, upon which his many medals, including his Distinguished Service Medal and Mentioned in Dispatches, were laid on a velvet cushion along with his Royal Naval cap and a photograph of him joining the Navy.

The service was led by former military chaplain and family friend, the Rev Roy Holmes.

More than 200 people attended the funeral and stood throughout the service in testimony to Mr Coles’ standing in life.

His youngest daughter, Jane Gilbert, said: “My wonderful father, a man who respected tradition, would have loved the pomp and ceremony of the occasion.”

25 years ago – May 27, 1999

Raising a stink

Smelly drains, gunge on the floor and toilets that are not cleaned regularly are some of the hazards faced by families who regularly swim at Northcroft Leisure Centre, according to one mother.

Ms Alison Mawdsley, who has two children, aged six and three, told the Newbury Weekly News she believes that the standard of cleanliness in the pool’s changing area has fallen over the last few months.

Ms Mawdsley, who takes her children to the pool three times a week, said that recently she had noticed a “stomach turning” smell of drains, a thick layer of “dangerous” gunge over the drain in the communal ladies’ changing room, and that the disabled toilets were not cleaned very regularly.

“Things seem to have got worse over the last couple of weeks, and there’s always people moaning about it, but nothing seems to be changing,” she said.

“The management’s priorities are wrong. It’s all about image and tarting the place up, but they don’t seem to be able to keep it clean.”

Contractor City Centre Leisure, the private company which took over the running of Northcroft two years ago, has just completed a £500,000 facelift at the centre, which included a new gym, upgraded changing facilities, a new bar and catering area, and a new children’s play area.

50 years ago – May 30, 1974

Lotta bottles

People collect all sorts of odd things… but 58-year-old Albert Lamden has come up with something a bit more unusual than most.

He has taken to picking up old bottles, cups and containers from a worksite near his home and he has built up a collection of over 50 items of all shapes and sizes.

And now Mr Lamden, of Skyllings, Newbury, is looking for someone who could tell him if any of the items are valuable.

“People have told me that some of the things are old,” said Mr Lamden, “but I really couldn’t say myself.”

Mr Lamden has collected the old “crocks” over a period of two months from a site near Morris Garages in London Road.

They include a glazed coffee cup made without a handle and a ginger beer bottle with a glass stopper inside.

“I usually pick up one or two when I go out for a walk,” says Mr Lamden, who works at Thatcham Ordnance Depot.

“I am not really that interested but it makes a nice hobby I suppose.”