German politician attacked near Stuttgart while campaigning

Roderich Kiesewetter, of the Christian Democratic Union, speaks to media representatives before the start of the public hearing in the Bundestag.Police said that Bundestag lawmaker Roderich Kiesewetter suffered minor injuries after a man punched and kicked him at a campaign stand in Aalen, east of Stuttgart, latest attack in a series of similar incidents ahead of next week's European Parliament elections. Monika Skolimowska/dpa

Another German politician was attacked while campaigning on Saturday, the latest in a series of similar incidents ahead of next week's European Parliament elections.

Police said a man punched and kicked Bundestag lawmaker Roderich Kiesewetter at a campaign stand in Aalen, east of Stuttgart. Kiesewetter, from the right-wing Christian Democratic Union, suffered minor injuries in the attack.

The suspect, who is known to police, fled after the attack. Police are continuing investigations, a spokesman said.

The Schwäbische Post, a local newspaper, reported that the suspect is a local council candidate from a party close to the far-right Querdenker movement, which came to prominence during the pandemic.

Kiesewetter told the Schwäbische Post that he had been verbally and then physically attacked. "I didn't know who the person was. I told him to stop, he tore the roof off the campaign stand," he added.

The attack came after the lawmaker tried to take a photo of the man. The police arrived shortly afterwards.

Kiesewetter said he offered not to press charges if the person in question apologized.

A series of attacks on politicians and campaign workers from all parties in the run-up to the European elections have shocked Germany.

Last week, a man punched Green Party lawmaker Marie Kollenrott in the central German city of Göttingen.

Before that, a far-right German politician was punched in the face while at a supermarket.

Franziska Giffey, a prominent Berlin state minister and former mayor, who belongs to Chancellor Olaf Scholz's centre-left Social Democrats (SDP), was attacked while visiting a library in the German capital earlier this month.

Bundestag member Matthias Ecke, also from the SPD, was beaten and hospitalized in Dresden at the start of May. Green Party politician Yvonne Mosler was also insulted, threatened and spat at while putting up posters in Dresden a few days later.