PokeRogue keybinds you need to know

PokeRogue is a browser-based roguelike game inspired heavily by Pokemon. You battle Pokemon as you climb up 200 levels, an addicting and straightforward concept that has trainers obsessed with the Egg Gatcha mechanic.

Right now, you can’t change any of the controls in PokeRogue. Want to better understand the PokeRogue keybinds so you can focus more on building strong teams and exchanging Egg Vouchers for Egg Gatcha tries? Here are all of the controls you need to know in PokeRogoue.

PokeRogue keybinds

PokeRogue can be played with either keyboard and mouse or a controller. Use whatever is easiest for you on your PC or laptop!

General controls (Keyboard)

Starter screen specific controls (Keyboard)

General controls (Controller)

Starter screen specific controls (Controller)

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