Embarrassing Moment Bungling Russian Troops Opened Fire and Stormed Their Own Positions 'After Thinking They Were Ukrainians'


Confused Russian troops mistakenly opened fire and stormed their own positions, believing they were engaging Ukrainian soldiers.

The incident took place in Novomykhailivka, where Russian soldiers emerged from a tank and proceeded to destroy what they thought was an enemy trench but turned out to be their own.

Footage appears to show Russian men coming out of a war tank.mega

The geolocated footage, verified by the war blogging website Deep State Map, clearly shows the Russia-Ukraine border.

Russian troops, patrolling in a tank on their side of the border, unknowingly fired upon and blitzed their own position, causing significant damage to their trench. The chaotic scene unfolded as the soldiers mistakenly identified their own men as enemies.

Russian troops opened fire at a trench believing it to be filled with Ukrainians.mega

This is not the first time such a tragic incident has occurred.

Last year, Russian soldiers in the village of Andriivka mistakenly attacked their own men during a heavy Ukrainian counteroffensive. The result was deadly, with one Russian soldier losing his life, and two others being captured by Ukrainian forces.

The trench was completely destroyed by the Russian assault.mega

In response to Russian aggression, US President Joe Biden authorized the use of American weapons by Ukraine for defensive "counter-fire purposes" within Russian territories.

This decision marked a significant shift in US policy and drew strong reactions from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The move signals increased support from the West to Ukraine in the face of continued Russian attacks on Ukrainian territories.

Despite the new ruling, several U.S. officials have maintained their stance that U.S. weapons shouldn't be offensively used against Russia.

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The ongoing assault on Ukraine's second-largest city, Kharkiv, has intensified as Russian forces seek to gain control of the northeast region.

According to the Sun, the city's mayor, Ihor Terekhov, has called for urgent intervention from Western allies to protect its population of 1.3 million residents. The relentless Russian attacks on Kharkiv have left the city in turmoil, with vital infrastructure damaged and thousands without electricity.

Facing escalating attacks, Kharkiv's mayor has warned of dire consequences if crucial air defense systems are not delivered. The city's fate hangs in the balance, with fears that it could suffer a similar fate to Aleppo if the international community fails to act swiftly.

Recent missile strikes have caused significant casualties, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of the violence.