Israeli warplanes hit Hezbollah targets deep inside Lebanon

Israeli warplanes carried out late Saturday several airstrikes on Hezbollah posts in areas west of the ancient city of Baalbeck in eastern Lebanon, Lebanese security sources said.

The sources said the first strike took place near a farm at the outskirts of the town of Qald al-Sabaa in western Baalbek.

They added that at least two people were wounded in the strike but did not specify if they were members of the pro-Iranian Hezbollah movement.

Few minutes later, Israeli warplanes also raided areas at the outskirts of Chmistar at the outskirts of Baalbeck city, targeting what sources said were a Hezbollah training area and an arms depot.

The strikes came after Hezbollah claimed several attack on Israeli posts in northern Israel.

The Israeli army has not yet commented on the strikes.

Since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip last October, there have been daily clashes between the Israeli army and Hezbollah and other groups in the border area between Israel and Lebanon.

The mutual shelling has caused many casualties and severe destruction in villages on both sides of the border. Around 150,000 people have been evacuated or left the combat zone.