'Another Crab's Treasure': A cutesy but deadly aquatic adventure

A classic Souls-like game this is not: Instead of this genre's usual mixture of dark fantasy and difficult gameplay, this game offers bright colours and a large dose of humour - plus lots of crabs. Aggro Crab/dpa

Berlin (dpa) — Somewhere deep in the sea between sandcastles and coral reefs, the hermit crab Krill is facing a big problem. His home, a pink shell, has been taken away by a devious loan shark.

Armed with an old plastic fork, Krill is now fighting to get his shell back. As the little crab you beat up nasty enemies and slip into various makeshift houses, be it a child's shoe, a party hat or an old sock.

"Another Crab's Treasure" is a little different from other games from the Souls-like genre. Titles such as "Dark Souls" or "Deamon's Souls" are tough: They require precise battles, offer complex worlds to explore, and rely on a dark atmosphere that is noticeable from the background story to the enemy design.

However, in ”Another Crab's Treasure,” instead of dark caves and gloomy landscapes, players can expect colourful coral reefs and cute sea creatures. At the same time, the game is by no means squeamish when it comes to killing.

To compensate for the high level of difficulty, the game offers witty dialogue, quirky characters and absurd situations. There are treasures that improve Krill's abilities, moon snail shells that act as save and fast travel points and even an anemone skill tree made of marine plastic.

Game aids such as easier dodging or greater shell durability are intended to mitigate those frustrating moments when the umpteenth attempt to defeat the boss opponent fails.

But in an emergency, there is the ultimate solution — the little crab can grab an old pistol and finish off even the most stubborn enemies with one shot.

The game's platform sections are a lot of fun, especially thanks to a grappling hook that allows players to reach high targets. In addition, Krill can quickly cover long distances thanks to a temporary swimming ability.

The game does have its weaknesses. Sometimes the camera gets stuck in tight environments, while Krill can only learn new skills in certain places that you have to travel to again and again.

Apart from that, “Another Crab's Treasure” impresses with its fresh setting and charming characters, and in the way it breaks the usual boundaries of the genre. The game is available for PCs and Xbox One and PlayStation 4/5 consoles for around €30/$30.

For some it's rubbish, for Krill this plastic cup is body armour. Aggro Crab/dpa
The inhabitants in "Another Crab's Treasure" look nice, but they are dangerous. Aggro Crab/dpa
The Duchess in 'Another Crab's Treasure' is a boss that is really difficult to defeat. Aggro Crab/dpa