Frankfurt festival for Brazilian artist and environmentalist Salgado

The work of Brazilian photographer and environmentalist Sebastião Salgado forms the centrepiece of a three-day festival to be held in Frankfurt's Alte Oper concert venue in September.

The focus is to be Salgado's work to save the Amazonian rainforest. His photographic work is to be shown in the context of music, film and discourse.

"I hope that people will confront me with an open ear and an open eye, ready for a deep music-photo experience, and for intensive dialogue on the urgent questions of our time," the 80-year-old Salgado said in Frankfurt on Monday.

"Amazônia. The World of Sebastião Salgado" is to run from September 19 to 21. The highpoint is to be "Amazônia" which is staged in cooperation with the Hesse state radio orchestra conducted by Brazilian conductor Simone Menezes.

The performance is expected to feature the "Forest of the Amazon" by Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos, with Salgado's images of the Amazona shown on a large screen. A podium discussion on the state of the Amazon is expected to follow.

"The Salt of the Earth," a film about Salgado by German filmmaker Wim Wenders is also due to be shown. Wenders is expected to be present to join the discussion.

Salgado has travelled to more than 120 countries to record conditions in gold mines, the effects of the Rwandan genocide and the plight of refugees.

Along with his wife Lélia he has set up "Instituto Terra" in Brazil to reafforest a small part of the rainforest.

Salgado received the German book trade's peace prize in 2019.