Elle Fanning Admits She 'Falls Victim' to the Pressures of Social Media and Hollywood Beauty Standards


Elle Fanning is just like the rest of us!

The Teen Spirit actress, 26, admitted she occasionally succumbs to the intense pressures of being a Hollywood starlet and a young adult navigating the wild world of social media.

Elle Fanning admitted she sometimes succumbs to the intense pressures of Hollywood and social media. Mega

"In Hollywood, but across the board — everywhere, I think, with social media these days — we're all comparing ourselves to other people; the way they look, their lives. You're [inevitably] comparing yourself to other people if you see these images of beauty standards, all the time, that society is shoving in your face," Fanning explained.

"I definitely fall victim to that at times, where I will go down the death spiral of scrolling [on social media] and I have to stop myself. Somehow, we have to block that out," she continued.

Elle Fanning revealed she can 'fall victim' to social media occasionally. Mega

The Girl From Plainville actress has done her best to reframe her outlook on what people consider perfect. "Gosh, we're all beautifully unique," Fanning explained. "I've learned that my flaws and my uniqueness is what makes me special. But, of course, there are moments where you can't help but go down the rabbit hole. I'm not immune. We are all different in our own way, and I love being a part of a brand that embraces everyone's uniqueness. To show that to young girls is really important."

The blonde beauty has also turned maintaining her good looks as an act of love toward herself. "Beauty, for me, is a time in the morning or at night, that I get to take some time to myself and pamper myself a little bit," she spilled.

Elle Fanning has made her beauty routine an act of self-love. Mega

"At the end of the day, beauty is not just something on the surface; it's really about having self-love and taking time to pamper yourself and do something for yourself. Those moments calm me. Doing my routine is my favorite part of the day," the All the Bright Places star added.

Despite spending more than half of her life working on films and getting dolled up for the cameras, Fanning still loves being inventive with her makeup. "When I'm getting ready to go out to a party at night, [makeup] is fun because you kind of create a character with each look and style," she said.

Elle Fanning still loves getting dolled up for a night out. Mega

"[On-set makeup and costume] makes you feel unlike yourself, and that's what you're trying to do in films; you want to immerse yourself into the character. One of the first [parts of the process] is about your clothes, your hair, and your makeup. All of that is on the surface, but it really helps embody the role," The Neon Demon alum shared.

POPSUGAR conducted the interview with Fanning.