Hunger-striking German climate activist taken to hospital

Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick sits in front of a banner at the new location of the hunger strike camp of the "Hungern bis ihr ehrlich seid" alliance in the government district. One of the climate protesters on hunger strike to demand the German government take more action is in acute danger of dying, according to the campaigners. Sebastian Gollnow/dpa

A climate activist taking part in a hunger strike in Berlin has been taken to hospital, according to the campaign "Starve until you are honest."

Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick, 49, was taken to the German Armed Forces' hospital, the campaign announced on Monday evening.

He has been on hunger strike for 89 days and a team of doctors looking after him recently said his life was seriously at risk.

Several campaign activists have been on hunger strike in Berlin for weeks and some of them are in a serious state of health.

The activists want German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to issue a government statement on the climate crisis saying that the "continued existence of human civilization is extremely endangered by the climate crisis."

The activists are also asking Scholz to acknowledge the problem, and that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is already too high and that there is no CO2 budget left.

The campaign also disseminated quotes from Metzeler-Kick that had been prepared in case he was taken to hospital.

"Obviously, the government is more willing to let us starving people die than to speak scientific facts," he said. The hunger strikers and their supporters called for non-violent protests.

Scholz recently appealed to the participants in the climate hunger strike to call off their action. That was his wish, he said at a public discussion organized by the Thüringer Allgemeine newspaper. Scholz did not address the activists' demands in detail.

The activists are living in a tent camp at the Economy Ministry. Metzeler-Kick from Munich began its action on March 7, with the others joining in gradually.