Silence, anger - and hope on Tiananmen - The latest from dpa features

While the world watched in horror as peaceful pro-democracy protests in Beijing were crushed in 1989, the events of those days are still shrouded in silence in China. Even the death toll remains unclear.

Activists' hopes for reform also seem far off.

But they remain alive, say two protesters who were at Tiananmen Square that day. Eventually, China will change, they trust.

In one of the newest compelling narratives from us at the dpa trends & features desk, we hear the memories of protesters and the outlook from exiles abroad.

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dpa trends & features

TOP FEATURE: Tiananmen pro-democracy advocates still fighting regime, 35 years on

Before the bloody end of the protests held in the heart of Beijing, many Chinese people hoped for more individual rights and freedoms. Today, such hopes seem a long way off. But demonstrators who were at Tiananmen that day still trust that change will eventually come.

Words: 1,146 - Images: 5

It's not a phase: One transgender man's journey to self-fulfilment

A new German law on self-determination makes it easier for people to change their sexual identity on official documents. Jamie Williams, a transgender man, has done more than that and helps others unhappy with their birth-assigned sex.

Words: 872 - Images: 3

Ducks in the city: How volunteers help Berlin chicks back to water

When urban ducks opt to nest on balconies, roof terraces and in backyards, they expose themselves to peril. Marc Engler and his team at the NABU wild bird center in Berlin step in to assist with their relocation. Discover how they safeguard urban avian families.

Words: 805 - Images: 2

Sea urchins made to order: US scientists make transgenic breakthrough

Scientists have managed to make sea urchins glow like Christmas bulbs in fluorescent light by giving them a piece of jellyfish DNA. Beyond creating the first transgenic sea urchin, being able to genetically modify an animal is transformative, supercharging what scientists can learn from it, with implications far beyond any individual species.

Words: 1,549 - Images: 2


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