North Cambridge Academy to mark anniversary with creation of woodland area

North Cambridge Academy has marked its 10-year anniversary by launching a new woodland initiative that is expected to result in more than 100 trees planted on the site.

The project was inspired by a proposal from Year 7 student Rehan, who after contacting the school’s principal presented his idea for a woodland area to the senior leadership team.

Pupils have been helping to plant trees

Staff were so impressed by Rehan’s proactive approach that they quickly adopted his ideas.

Principal Jane Driver said: “It is encouraging to see our pupils, especially younger ones like Rehan, take such a proactive role in issues of global importance like biodiversity.

“We are immensely proud of all our students who have embraced this initiative. Their commitment to sustainability and their school’s legacy is truly inspiring.”

An area of land on the school site has been earmarked for the woodland, with the hope that more than 100 trees will be planted there by the end of the academic year.

The trees, which have been donated by The Woodland Trust, will include a variety of native species such as wild cherry, dogwood, hazel and rowan.

The diverse mix will help to enhance the biodiversity of local fauna and flora, as well as provide learning opportunities for students.

In recognition of pupil successes, those who accumulate more than 150 achievement points and maintain a 95 per cent attendance record, will have the opportunity to plant a sapling in the woodland.

Pupils have been helping to plant trees

The school says the initiative offers a meaningful way for pupils to be recognised for their achievements while also being directly involved
in the growth and development of their environment.

The first saplings were planted in early May, marking the beginning of what the school hopes will become a thriving microclimate.

The project has been met with enthusiasm from students, parents, and staff, with the potential to expand the woodland if it continues to grow in popularity.

North Cambridge Academy in Arbury Road, which is part of the multi-academy Meridian Trust, says it is committed to supporting its students in their environmental efforts and looks forward to the ongoing success of the anniversary woodland initiative.