German raids target extremist 'Reich Citizens' around Prince Reuss

Police vehicles parked in Althengstett. Police are searching properties in three German states belonging to suspected supporters of the far-right Reich Citizens group, a public prosecutor spokeswoman said on 04 June.A large contingent of police has been searching 10 properties in the states of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein since early Tuesday morning, according to the spokeswoman. Silas Stein/dpa

Police are searching properties in three German states belonging to suspected supporters of the far-right Reich Citizens group, a public prosecutor spokeswoman said on Tuesday.

A large contingent of police has been searching 10 properties in the states of Baden-Württemberg, Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein since early Tuesday morning, according to the spokeswoman.

The measures were directed against two suspects from Baden-Württemberg who are accused of supporting a domestic terrorist organization, the spokeswoman added.

There have been repeated raids targeting the Reich Citizens group, which allegedly planned to violently overthrow the German government. Various suspected members, including suspected ringleader Prince Heinrich XIII of Reuss, are currently on trial.

Police vehicles parked in Althengstett. Police are searching properties in three German states belonging to suspected supporters of the far-right Reich Citizens group, a public prosecutor spokeswoman said on 04 June.A large contingent of police has been searching 10 properties in the states of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein since early Tuesday morning, according to the spokeswoman. Silas Stein/dpa
Police vehicles parked in Althengstett. Police are searching properties in three German states belonging to suspected supporters of the far-right Reich Citizens group, a public prosecutor spokeswoman said on 04 June.A large contingent of police has been searching 10 properties in the states of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein since early Tuesday morning, according to the spokeswoman. Silas Stein/dpa