Kenneth Chesebro among Trump allies hit with new fake elector indictments in Wisconsin

Kenneth Chesebro's mugshot. (Fulton County Sheriff's Office)

Kenneth Chesebro, the architect of the fake elector's plot deployed by Donald Trump's campaign in an effort to overturn the 2020 election, has been indicted by the state of Wisconsin.

Chesebro joins James Troupis and Michael Roman in the indictment released Tuesday.

The indictment states that each is being charged with one count of forgery, which is a felony, according to Lawfare reporter Anna Bower and Politico's Kyle Cheney.

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Troupis is a Wisconsin attorney who took the Chesebro plot and escalated it to the highest levels of the Trump campaign, WPR reported in March.

"In an email to Troupis [Nov. 8, 2020], Chesebro said that if 'various systematic abuses' of Wisconsin election laws could be proven in court, 'I don’t see why electoral votes certified by (Gov. Tony) Evers … should be counted over an alternative slate sent in by the legislature,'" the report states.

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Roman is a former Trump campaign official who is also linked in the Georgia racketeering case involving efforts to overturn the election result in that state.

Chesebro was also indicted along with a group of Trump allies in Georgia.

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