'Deadly lethal force!' Trump triples down about lies that Biden tried to have him killed

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump arrives for a rally at Clinton Middle School on January 06, 2024 in Clinton, Iowa. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

In a new video posted to his Truth Social account on Tuesday, former President Donald Trump falsely claimed that President Joe Biden had put his life in jeopardy after the United States Department of Justice authorized agents to use deadly force while searching Mar-a-Lago if they encountered a life-threatening danger.

As multiple legal experts have explained, the authorization of deadly force in such searches is completely standard practice, and the FBI's authorization to search President Joe Biden's properties for classified documents used the same language as during the Trump search.

However, this has not stopped the former president from tripling down on the claim that Biden ordered the FBI to barge into Mar-a-Lago with guns blazing.

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"Crooked Joe Biden's DOJ, in their illegal and unconstitutional raid of Mar-a-Lago, authorized the FBI to use deadly lethal force, can you believe that?" he asked.

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In fact, the claim should not be believed.

In addition to the aforementioned fact that authorizing such force is standard in FBI searches, there is also the fact that the DOJ sought and obtained a lawful warrant for the search after providing evidence to a judge that they were likely to find evidence of a crime at Trump's property.

"Now we know for sure that Joe Biden is a serious threat to democracy," continued Trump, who refused to concede losing the 2020 election, who asked officials at his Department of Justice to declare the election "corrupt," who pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to "find" enough votes for him to overtake Biden's lead, and who went on to incite a deadly riot at the United States Capitol. "He is indeed the big threat, not me!"

Trump concluded his video by declaring that Biden is "mentally unfit to hold office."

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