Flood warning in southern Poland after heavy rainfall

Flooding has hit southern Poland following heavy rainfall across the country.

One of the regions badly affected is the area in and around Bielsko-Biala in Silesia, with parts of the town under water. However, the situation is now under control, the head of the regional administration, Marek Wojcik, said on Tuesday. "No one has been physically harmed."

Although some people were cut off in their homes by the water, they had all been brought to safety, Wojcik said.

According to the authorities, up to 150 millilitres of rain fell in the area in the morning hours. The last time there was such intense rainfall was in 1972.

The fire service was called out to around 1,250 incidents. Many cellars and properties were flooded.

The water also blocked two tracks at the local railway station, and some trains had to be diverted to other routes and others were cancelled altogether. The city archive and the bus depot of the municipal transport company were also flooded.

The news portal Onet.pl published video footage showing streets and a bridge under water. The rainfall subsided in the afternoon.

A flood alert remained in place in Bielsko-Biala and three other towns in the region for the time being.